
December 01st, 2023

Lagardère Travel Retail Switzerland and the United Nation Office at Geneva unveil '170 Actions and more to combat climate change' pop-up at Geneva Airport

Lagardère Travel Retail Switzerland announces the inauguration of its latest pop-up at Geneva Airport, ‘170 actions and more to combat climate change’. This initiative is a result of the ongoing collaboration with the Perception Change Project of UN Geneva.

Since 2022, Lagardère Travel Retail Switzerland has collaborated with UN Geneva as part of the Perception Change Project, resulting in impactful initiatives such as the first pop-ups in 2022 and 2023. The initial pop-up in March 2022 sought to raise passenger awareness of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the United Nations. The second pop-up, held in February 2023, was designed to increase awareness among passengers about the living conditions of refugees, the ongoing challenges of forced displacement globally, and to promote the sale of MADE51 products, all crafted by refugees.

Inaugurated on November 30th, this second pop-up is strategically located in the airport's brand-new East Wing, adjacent to the eco-responsible Aelia Duty Free store, recognized as the world's first eco-responsible store in the Aelia Duty Free network. Passengers passing through this terminal will now have a unique six-month opportunity to explore and engage with the pop-up, discovering 170 actions they can take on a day-to-day basis to protect the environment, from reducing inequalities to combating climate change and embracing sustainable consumption.

An interactive space within the pop-up encourages passengers to suggest additional ideas, emphasizing the limitless possibilities to combat climate change when we unite and work together.

This initiative not only underscores our steadfast support to the Perception Change Project of UN Geneva but is also perfectly aligned with the "Planet" pillar of Lagardère Travel Retail's CSR strategy, PEPS. PEPS focuses on reducing the environmental impact of our operations and collaborating with partners to achieve ambitious industry goals. By embedding environmental consciousness at the heart of our operations, we aim to inspire change and contribute to building a more sustainable future for all.

Lagardère Travel Retail is committed to playing a leading role in creating a more sustainable future and is working closely with partners to achieve shared CSR ambitions. Through, with the Perception Change Project of UN Geneva and Geneva airport, we shared commitment to fostering awareness about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, underscoring the transformative impact that collective consciousness can have on building a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Commenting on this announcement, Pascal le Droff, CEO Lagardère Travel Retail Switzerland, said: "As we unveil our second pop-up at Geneva Airport, we reaffirm our commitment to sustainability. By integrating sustainability into our operations, we aim to inspire change for a more sustainable future. Committed to playing a leading role with our partners, we turn theory into action at Geneva International Airport, exemplifying our dedication to sustainability."

André Schneider, CEO of Geneva International Airport, also said: "At Geneva Airport, we are pleased to host Lagardère Travel Retail Switzerland's latest pop-up, showcasing their dedication to environmental sustainability. This collaboration not only aligns with our commitment to providing passengers with enriching and conscientious experiences but also reflects the airport's vision of being a leader of sustainable airports and becoming a hub for sustainable initiatives. We believe that initiatives like these empower travelers to make informed choices and contribute to a more sustainable future. Geneva Airport is proud to be a part of this transformative journey."

Tatiana Valovaya, General Director of the United Nations office at Geneva, completed: “This pop-up is more than just an exhibition space; it is a call to action, and an embodiment of our shared commitment to combat climate change. Each action, no matter how small, can contribute to the global effort to preserve our planet. Together, let’s embark on this path towards a more sustainable, equitable, and resilient world. Let’s turn these “170 actions” into countless more, and let’s transform them into action for a more sustainable future for all.”